Courses / Modules / MANG6241 European Labour Markets

European Labour Markets

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Michail Veliziotis
Academic year

Module overview

This module offers a comprehensive analysis of global and European policy and politics of employment and skill formation. Far from becoming less important in the context of a serious recession, these issues are all the more important because demographic trends are unaltered in the medium term, even with an economic recession: most of the 2050 workforce are already on the planet and most of the 2030 workforce are already in the labour market. In the scramble to shed jobs, we need to reflect on these issues and to think more strategically about how to ensure we shall have the workforce with the competences necessary to meet the challenges of the future. The module is designed to equip participants with a core body of knowledge necessary to understand European diversity with respect to, among other things, labour market regulation, employment relations systems and training regimes. Participants will be introduced to the underpinning theories of labour market regulation as well as the policy tools and instruments that have been developed in support of the Lisbon and Europe 2020 objectives of making Europe the most competitive knowledge based economy based on a high level of skills and social inclusion.