Courses / Modules / MEDI6227 Quantitative Cell Biology

Quantitative Cell Biology

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Matthew Rose-Zerilli
Academic year

Module overview

It is important that we provide bioinformatic cell analysis training to students in order to significantly improve research possibilities in their future careers in Biomedical Sciences. The quantitative cell biology (QCB) module will focus on the practical use of the methods employed, rather than focussing on just the mathematics and statistical approaches underpinning them. Some of the mathematics and statistics will be discussed, but no prior knowledge will be assumed. The analyses will predominantly be conducted using the R project for statistical computing software (

Students with or without experience of R programming and/or mathematics will be enrolled on this course.

Students with no background in this area will not be disadvantaged, as they will be provided with computing support, and training via attendance on a data carpentry course delivered by the Southampton Research Software Group (, to succeed.

There is no opportunity to repeat the year on this programme.