Courses / Modules / MUSI3017 Composition Portfolio

Composition Portfolio

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Matthew Shlomowitz
Academic year

Module overview

With a mixture of lectures and individual supervision, Composition Portfolio is the final stage of the undergraduate pathway in concert-music based composition. Building upon the skills gained in first and second year creative music based modules, the lectures will provide you with more technical devices, formal procedures and ways of thinking about composition. You will study key compositional approaches and techniques that have developed during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The individual supervision will support the development of your work in creative, technical and practical terms.

Your work must be score-based and that score should be the basis for a live-performance, but beyond that musical style is not prescribed in this module: you may incorporate the compositional techniques and issues we explore within the musical idiom of your choice