Courses / Modules / NPAD3007 Palliative and End of Life Care

Palliative and End of Life Care

When you'll study it
Term 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Kay Townsend
Academic year

Module overview

In this module you will gain the knowledge and skills that are necessary to effectively respond to those with palliative and end of life care needs in order to provide timely and sensitive nursing care. You will develop an in depth knowledge and understanding so that you can debate the challenges in end of life decision making and demonstrate a sound knowledge of symptom management in palliative care.

As a result of studying this module you will understand the challenges of delivering End of Life Care in all contexts including acute care, community and hospice settings. Your learning will focus on end of life care need across the life span, encompassing the care of young adults with life threatening illness or injury, adults with long term conditions and to the care of older people with degenerative conditions and frailty. You will also learn the approaches that are necessary to ensure that all bereaved people are supported with compassionate care.