Courses / Modules / PHYS2011 Design and Observation in Astronomy

Design and Observation in Astronomy

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Christian Knigge
Academic year

Module overview

The course takes place during the Easter vacation at La Laguna University, Tenerife, Spain.

The course consists of two separately assessed modules.

Module 1 is a one week design study of an astronomical spacecraft.

Module 2 is a week of practical observations at the Teide Observatory using optical and infra-red telescopes involving both solar and night-time observations.

Due to space limitations at the observatory, only 12 students can take part in this module. Offers to participate are made only to the 12 academically strongest students registered on the MPhys with Astronomy Programme, based on performance in Year 1. Academic performance will be judged by the credit-weighted Year 1 average, using only marks obtained at the first attempt (i.e. no referral marks).

Only students registered on the MPhys with Astronomy programme by the end of the summer term of their first year will be considered for invitation onto this module.