Courses / Modules / PSIO3048 Preparing for on-call

Preparing for on-call

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Deborah Thackray
Academic year

Module overview

The module will draw on the theory of normal respiratory, cardiac and renal physiology and will consider the pathophysiology of certain conditions. The ABCDE resuscitation council (UK) assessment process will be utilised alongside current national early warning scores that are used by Trusts to monitor patients in a variety of ward settings.

The module incorporates simulated practice, so that you can rehearse and practice the skills required to develop confidence to assess and manage an acutely unwell respiratory patient anywhere in a hospital setting working independently and as part of the MDT. Human factors and issues about communication skills are incorporated into the simulated sessions and by using debriefing for reflection after the simulation, the situation is explored in depth and from all perspectives: patient, physiotherapist and MDT.

The simulated practice will be informed by real-life case studies of on-call scenarios from local Hospital Trusts and consist of a deteriorating surgical, medical, critical care and orthopaedic patient. The assessment and management of these case studies will be discussed and opportunities where possible to practice the clinical skills wherever possible will be given.

The simulated practice will enable you to rehearse the assessment of a deteriorating patient via using a human computerised manikin to develop problem solving and also expert simulated patients so as to develop communication skills with the patient and MDT in the context of an on-call scenario. A debriefing session will be used afterwards so as to identify any issues that you may have encountered and facilitate reflection after action, this will also identify any further teaching that is required

Practical teaching sessions will allow you the opportunity to explore some of the more advanced intervention strategies such as the cough assist, and nasal intermittent ventilation NIV, manual hyperinflation and suctioning.