Courses / Modules / PSYC6071 Emotional Elements of Learning 1

Emotional Elements of Learning 1

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Tim Cooke
Academic year

Module overview

The module explores some foundational needs (such as attachment, autonomy, relatedness and competence) in social, emotional and mental health. A strengths based approach is taken to inform approaches that can support interventions to develop social, emotional and mental health. Issues are considered at a range of levels, including whole school, group and individual factors.

This module runs alongside Psychological in Professional Practice, Consultation, Assessment and Intervention where the key knowledge and skills are put into practice in the your field placements. Part way through the module you will select a topic on which to write a 4,000 word essay which considers this topic with regard to emotional and behavioural development and explores the practical implications for educational psychologists.

This module aims to ensure that you have a sound understanding of processes underpinning typical emotional and behavioural development. You are required to consider the implications of this understanding in the context of non-discriminatory and non-oppressive practice.

Pre-requisite for PSYC8040