Courses / Modules / SESM6052 Biological Materials and Biomedical Devices

Biological Materials and Biomedical Devices

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Georges Limbert
Academic year

Module overview

This module provides an introduction to the ways in which engineering methods are used in characterising and modelling the biophysical properties of tissues and organs, and applied to the design of biomedical implants and devices for the treatment of a wide range of human diseases and dysfunctions. In particular, you will learn about the design and function of prosthetic limbs, auditory implants, cardiovascular devices, and how regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are influencing the development of biomedical implants. The relevant background to anatomy, disease, injury, continuum biomechanics and the mechanical properties of biological materials will be covered such that engineering solutions can be presented with respect to the associated clinical needs. In addition to lectures, you will have hands-on lab-based tasks and talks by specialist clinicians.