Doctor Marcus Young

Dr Marcus Young

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Application of GIS methods and techniques to research relating to public transport and active travel.
  • Development of open source tools for transport planning applications, for example the Station Demand Forecasting Tool and the GB Traffic Data Explorer.
  • Rail demand modelling and appraisal with a focus on developing improved aggregate models to forecast demand for new railway stations.

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Marcus Young is Research Fellow in Geospatial Software Engineering for Transport Systems within the Transportation Research Group. He is interested in transport geography and GIS, and primarily works using open source tools, including R, Shiny, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and QGIS. His research interests centre on the utilisation of spatial analysis and data analytics methods and techniques to investigate issues relating to transportation (primarily focussed on public transport and active travel) and the development of supporting software tools and applications. Marcus also teaches on several modules of Ulster University’s PgDip/MSc programme in Geographic Information Systems. Prior to moving to academia, he had a successful career in information technology and worked as a Computer Officer at the University of Cambridge for 11 years.