Research group

Mathematical Modelling

Textures in a mesoscopic system made of a nematic liquid crystal doped with nanoparticles.

The modelling group focuses on mathematical modelling across science and engineering, including physics (from the physics of quanta and strings to that of liquid crystals), chemistry (modelling lithium-ion batteries and solar cells), engineering (controlling sound direction), biology, medicine and healthcare (from stem cell population dynamics to medical imaging and healthcare models).


The underlying theme of the group is the application of rigorous mathematical models to quantitatively analyse and understand in depth problems in science and engineering. We have a wide range of mathematical expertise and techniques in modelling, from partial differential equations, to agent modelling, dynamical systems, or topological methods. Often, the research take place in close interdisciplinary collaborations. As an example, we have developed a very successful model of lithium-ion batteries by combining classical differential equation modelling with asymptotic analysis and state of the art coding to produce a software package that is both fast and comprehensive.  Other examples are the application of asymptotic analysis in controlling aircraft sounds, stochastic methods in modelling gene expression and agent-based techniques in healthcare.  We apply topological data analysis to model phase transitions of mesoscopic physical systems, and to enhance and up-scale optical imaging in medical applications, as precursors to efficient machine learning and data analysis.

Research highlights

People, projects, publications and PhDs


Professor Nils Andersson

Professor of Applied Maths

Research interests

  • General relativistic astrosphysics
  • Black holes
  • Neutron stars

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Oscar Dias


Research interests

  • Einstein's gravity
  • Black holes
  • Holographic dualities (gravity/gauge theory dualities)

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Philip Greulich

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Mathematical modelling of stem cell fate choices
  • Universal features of cell lineages
  • Cell population dynamics

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Ms Rahime Matur

Research interests

  • Numerical Relativity
  • Neutron Stars
  • Gravitational Waves
Connect with Rahime

Professor Rebecca Hoyle

Assoc Vice-President Interdisc Research

Research interests

  • Multimorbidity across the lifecourse
  • Cooperation in social networks and evolution of cooperation
  • Quantitative genetics of transgenerational effects

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Rebecca

Dr Ruben Sanchez-Garcia


Research interests

  • Network modelling and analysis
  • Applied Topology

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Ruben
Mathematical modelling allows you to see the world as an interconnected whole, with causes and effects, so that we can fulfil knowledgeably our responsibility to sustain it.

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