Centre for Maritime Archaeology


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2022, Historical Archaeology, 56(1)
Type: article
Patrick D. Nunn, Axel Creach, W. Roland Gehrels, Sarah L. Bradley, Ian Armit, Pierre Stéphan, Fraser Sturt & Agnès Baltzer, 2021, Geoarchaeology
Type: article
Colin Breen, Crystal El Safadi, Harmen Huigens, Sophie Tews, Kieran Westley, Georgia Andreou, Rodrigo Ortiz Vazquez, Julia Nikolaus & Lucy Blue, 2021, Marine Policy, 132(104676)
Type: article
Kieran Westley, Georgia Andreou, Crystal El Safadi, Harmen Huigens, Julia Nikolaus, Rodrigo Ortiz Vazquez, Nick Ray, Ashley Smith, Sophie Tews, Lucy Blue & Colin Breen, 2021, The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
Type: article