Centre for Research on Work and Organisations

Our people

Learn about our academic experts, from their research interests to their contact details.

Dr Yi-Ling Lai PhD


Research interests

  • Psychological evidence in coaching
  • Social identity approach and HRM policies
  • Identity work and organisational behaviours

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Yi-Ling

Mr Yihui Lin

Research interests

  • Protean career
  • Career adaptability
  • Talent retention or employee turnover
Connect with Yihui

Miss Yizhen Lu


Research interests

  • Employee wellbeing
  • Workplace political correctness
  • Mindfulness

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Yizhen

Mr Yucheng Zhang PhD

Professor in HR Mngmt and Org Behaviour

Research interests

  • Meta-analysis of leadership
  • Statistical modelling and data science in management
  • Behavioural operations management

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Yucheng

Mr Yuzhong Liu

Connect with Yuzhong

Miss Zhaoying Lu

Connect with Zhaoying