

Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(48), 30171-30178
Type: article
Karolina Skalska, Annie Ockelford, James E. Ebdon & Andrew B. Cundy, 2020, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 38
Type: article
Annie Ockelford, Andy Cundy & James E. Ebdon, 2020, Scientific Reports, 10(1)
Type: article
M. D. Trudgill, R. Shuttleworth, H. C. Bostock, A. Burke, M. J. Cooper, R. Greenop & G. L. Foster, 2020, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(12)
Type: article
Joshua Birkenhead, Freya Radford, Jessica Laura Stead, Andy Cundy & Malcolm Hudson, 2020, Scientific Reports, 10(1)
Type: article