

Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Sue O'Connor, Nuno Vasco Oliveira, Christopher Standish, Marcos García-Diez, Shimona Kealy & Ceri Shipton, 2021, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 31(1), 129-142
Type: article
2021, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 105
Type: article
Daniel J. Lunt, Fran Bragg, Wing-Le Chan, David K. Hutchinson, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Polina Morozova, Igor Niezgodzki, Sebastian Steinig, Zhongshi Zhang, Jiang Zhu, Ayako Abe-ouchi, Eleni Anagnostou, Agatha M. de Boer, Helen K. Coxall, Yannick Donnadieu, Gavin Foster, Gordon Inglis, Gregor Knorr, Petra Langebroek, Caroline H. Lear, Gerrit Lohmann, Christopher J. Poulsen, Pierre Sepulchre, Jessica E. Tierney, Paul J. Valdes, Evgeny Volodin, Tom Dunkley Jones, Christopher J. Hollis, Matthew Huber & Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, 2021, Climate of the Past, 17(1), 203-227
Type: article
R. Shuttleworth, H.C. Bostock, T.B. Chalk, E. Calvo, S.L. Jaccard, C. Pelejero, A. Garcia Martinez & G. Foster, 2021, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554
Type: article
Amy Margaret Jewell, Nick Drake, Anya Crocker, Natalie Bakker, Terezia Kunkelova, Charlie Bristow, Matthew Cooper, James Milton, Paul Breeze & Paul A. Wilson, 2021, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554
Type: article