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Caroline Hung, Lisa A. Gilbert, Damon A.H. Teagle, Dave Craw & Reinhard A. Wobus, 2020, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics
Type: article
2020, Oceanography, 33(2), 101 - 103
Type: letterEditorial
J. Jotautas Baronas, A. Joshua West, Kevin W. Burton, Douglas E. Hammond, Sophie Opfergelt, Philip A. E. Pogge Von Strandmann, Rachael H. James & Olivier J. Rouxel, 2020, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(8)
Type: article
Judith Gauriau, Matthieu Harlaux, Anne-Sylvie Andre-Mayer, Aurelien Eglinger, Antonin Richard, Arnaud Fontaine, Marie Lefebvre-Desanois, Didier Beziat, Johan Villeneuve & Damien Lemarchand, 2020, Mineralium Deposita
Type: article