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Heather Goring-Harford, Jessica K. Klar, Hannah Donald, Christopher Pearce, Douglas Connelly & Rachael James, 2020, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 536
Type: article
Florentin Bulot, Hugo Russell, Mohsen Rezaei, Matthew Johnson, Steven Ossont, Andrew Morris, Philip J Basford, Natasha, Hazel Celeste Easton, Gavin Foster, Matthew Loxham & Simon Cox, 2020, Sensors, 20(8)
Type: article
Yin-chuan Li, Hong-wei Chen, Hai-zhen Wei, Shao-yong Jiang, Martin R. Palmer, T.g.m. Van De Ven, Simon Hohl, Jian-jun Lu & Jing Ma, 2020, Chemical Geology, 536, 1-14
Type: article
Chiara Marieni, Juerg M. Matter & Damon A.H. Teagle, 2020, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 272, 259-275
Type: article