Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)


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Jakub Bijak, Isabel Alberts, Juha Alho, John Bryant, Thomas Buettner, Jane C. Falkingham, Jonathan J. Forster, Patrick Gerland, Nico Keilman, Thomas King, Anthony O'Hagan, Luca Onorante, Darragh Owens, Adrian E. Raftery, Hana Ševčíková & Peter W.F. Smith, 2015, Journal of Official Statistics, 31(4), 537-544
Type: article
A.M. Coumans, M.J.L.F. Cruyff, P.G.M. Van der Heijden, J. Wolf & H. Schmeets, 2015, Social Indicators Research, 130(1), 189-212
Type: article
Marcel de Toledo Vieira, Maria de Fátima Salgueiro & Peter W. F. Smith, 2015, Journal of Applied Statistics, 1-12
Type: article
2015, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 165, 27–37
Type: article