Research project

Core Capability for Chemistry Research in Southampton - Brown - EPSRC


Lead researchers

Professor Richard Brown

Professor of Organic Chemistry

Research interests

  • Organic synthesis
  • Total synthesis of natural products
  • Asymmetric synthesis
Connect with Richard
Other researchers

Professor Gill Reid


Research interests

  • Synthetic inorganic chemistry
  • Design and synthesis of new macrocyclic and multidentate ligands involving donor atoms from Groups 15 (P, As, Sb, Bi) and 16 (S, Se, Te)
  • Coordination chemistry with s-, p-, d- and f-block metal ions
Connect with Gill

Research outputs

Diego, Edgard Collin, Ana Folgueiras Amador, Derek Pletcher, Mark Light, Bruno Linclau & Richard C.D. Brown, 2020, Chemistry - A European Journal, 26(2), 374-378
Type: article
Aqeel Hussein, Maximillian Phipps, Chris-Kriton Skylaris & Richard C.D. Brown, 2019, Journal of Organic Chemistry
Type: article
Harriet Clarke, Xin Wu, Mark Light & Philip Gale, 2019, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
Type: article
2019, Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(50), 13306-13310
Type: article