Research project

Dr J Frey Nanoscale X-Ray Sources


Lead researchers

Professor Jeremy Frey

Professor of Physical Chemistry
Connect with Jeremy

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Peter Baksh, Michal Odstrčil, Hyunsu Kim, Stuart Boden, Jeremy Frey & William Brocklesby, 2016, Optics Letters, 41(7), 1317-1320
Type: article
B. Mills, C.F. Chau, E.T.F. Rogers, J. Grant-Jacob, S.L. Stebbings, M. Praeger, A.M. de Paula, C.A. Froud, T.J. Butcher, J.J. Baumberg, W.S. Brocklesby & J.G. Frey, 2008, Applied Physics Letters, 93(23)
Type: article
Jerry Prawiharjo, Nikita K. Daga, Rui Geng, Jonathan H.V. Price, David C. Hanna, David J. Richardson & David P. Shepherd, 2008, Optics Express, 16(19), 15074-15089
Type: article