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Stuart Boden is an associate professor in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 2004 with a first-class honours degree in Materials Science. He then joined ECS and in 2009, he was awarded a PhD in Electronics and Electrical Engineering for his work on the development of nanostructured antireflective surfaces for photovoltaics. In 2009, Stuart secured a post-doctoral research fellowship in ECS, funded by Carl Zeiss, to develop applications for the helium ion microscope. Stuart was appointed as a lecturer for ECS in 2014 and promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. He now leads a team of researchers focusing on the fabrication and enhancement with nanoscale texturing of high efficiency interdigitated back contact silicon solar cells.
Stuart managed Southampton’s involvement in the EPSRC Supersolar Solar Energy Hub (EP/J017361/1) through which he successfully bid for £150K of flexible funding for Southampton. He has been co-investigator on two further Supersolar Hub related grants (EP/M014797/1, £800K and EP/P02484X/1, £857K) and he is currently Co-I on an EPSRC joint grant with the University of Oxford (EP/R005303/1, £950K) entitled "Black Silicon Photovoltaics". He is also Co-I on the Supergen Solar Network + grant (EP/S000763/1, £1.02M) and sits on its management board.
Stuart is a member of the steering committee for the Leverhulme Trust- funded International Network for Gas-Ion Patterning and Microscopy ( and is on the organising committee for the Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference (PVSAT). He has delivered 8 invited talks at national and international conferences and workshops and has refereed for many high impact journals. He is a member of the IET, the IEEE, the UK division of the International Solar Energy Society and the EPSRC Peer Review Associate College.