Research project

EP/D05849X/1 Acoustoelectrochemistry Imaging System


Lead researchers

Professor Peter Birkin

Connect with Peter
Other researchers

Professor John Chaplin

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with John

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

P.R. Birkin, D.G. Offin, C.J.B. Vian & T.G. Leighton, 2015, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(33), 21709-21715
Type: article
R.P. Howlin, S. Fabbri, D.G. Offin, N. Symonds, K.S. Kiang, R.J. Knee, D.C. Yoganantham, J.S. Webb, P.R. Birkin, T.G. Leighton & P. Stoodley, 2015, Journal of Dental Research, 94(9), 1303-1309
Type: article
P.R. Birkin, D.G. Offin, C.J.B. Vian, R.P. Howlin, J.L. Dawson, T.L. Secker, R. Hervé, P. Stoodley, R.O.C. Oreffo, C.W. Keevil & T.G. Leighton, 2015, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(32), 20574-20579
Type: article
Douglas G. Offin, Peter R. Birkin & Timothy G. Leighton, 2014, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(10), 4982-4989
Type: article
Peter R. Birkin, Jekaterina Kuleshova & Joanne M. Elliott, 2013, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 695, 47-52
Type: article