Research project

Mechanisms of long-range retrograde signal propogation - Deinhardt - BBSRC


Lead researchers

Professor Katrin Deinhardt


Research interests

  • Short- and long-range neurotrophin signalling and its role in morphological plasticity
  • Early neuronal dysfunction in disturbed proteostasis
  • Cellular mechanisms that underlie tau propagation across neurons
Connect with Katrin

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Connor Maltby, James Schofield, Steven Houghton, Ita O'Kelly, Mariana Vargas-Caballero, Katrin Deinhardt & Mark Coldwell, 2020, Nucleic Acids Research, 48(17), 9822-9839
Type: article
Grace Hallinan, Dianne Lopez, Mariana Vargas-caballero, Jonathan West & Katrin Deinhardt, 2020, Bio-protocol, 10(16)
Type: article
Peter Baksh, Michal Odstrčil, Magdalena Miszczak, Charles Pooley, Richard Chapman, Adam Wyatt, Emma Springate, John Chad, Katrin Deinhardt, Jeremy G. Frey & William Brocklesby, 2020, Science Advances, 6(18)
Type: article
Grace Hallinan, Mariana Vargas-Caballero, Jonathan West & Katrin Deinhardt, 2019, The Journal of Neuroscience, 39(48), 9623-9632
Type: article