Research project

Mechanisms of long-range retrograde signal propogation - Deinhardt - BBSRC


Lead researchers

Professor Katrin Deinhardt


Research interests

  • Short- and long-range neurotrophin signalling and its role in morphological plasticity
  • Early neuronal dysfunction in disturbed proteostasis
  • Cellular mechanisms that underlie tau propagation across neurons
Connect with Katrin

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Rocio Martinez-Nunez, Andrew Wallace, Doyle Coyne, Linnea Jansson, Miles Rush, Hanane Ennajdaoui, Sol Katzman, Joanne Louise Bailey, Katrin Deinhardt, Tilman Sanchez-Elsner & Jeremy R. Sanford, 2017, Nucleic Acids Research, 45(6), 3448-3459
Type: article
Peter Baksh, Michal Odstrčil, Aaron Parsons, Jo Bailey, Katrin Deinhardt, John E. Chad, William S. Brocklesby & Jeremy G. Frey, 2017, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 849(1), 1-4
Type: article