Research project

Physics & Tech of Photonic Metadevices & Metasystems


Lead researchers

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay
Other researchers

Dr Eric Plum

Principal Research Fellow
Connect with Eric

Professor David Richardson FREng, FRS

Research interests

  • Hollow Core Optical Fibres
  • Optical Communications
  • High Power Fibre Lasers
Connect with David

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Marko Toros, Sara Restuccia, Graham M. Gibson, Marion Cromb, Hendrik Ulbricht, Miles Padgett & Daniele Faccio, 2020, Physical Review A, 101(4)
Type: article
Alexander Dubrovkin, Bo Qiang, Teddy Salim, Donguk Nam, Nikolai Zheludev & Qi Jie Wang, 2020, Nature Communications, 11(1)
Type: article
H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, Giorgio Adamo, J Yin, Vassili Savinov, Nikolai Zheludev & Cesare Soci, 2020, Nature Communications, 11(1)
Type: article
Eng Aik Chan, Giorgio Adamo, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Martial Ducloy, Nikolai Zheludev & David Wilkowski, 2020, Applied Physics Letters
Type: article