John Aldrich is an Emeritus Fellow. He still does research although he no longer teaches or supervises research students.
Personal homepage (as of 2021)
Email: [email protected]
John Aldrich is an Emeritus Fellow. He still does research although he no longer teaches or supervises research students.
Personal homepage (as of 2021)
Work on early 20th century British statistics continues on two lines. One is on Ronald Fisher and his links to Rothamsted, the RSS and eugenics. The other is on female statisticians in general, married ones and selected individuals.
John Aldrich joined the University of Southampton in 1969 and retired as Reader in Economics in 2010. Initially an econometric theorist, he developed an interest in the history of econometrics and of the feeder disciplines, economics, statistics and mathematics, publishing papers and producing web materials in these fields. In retirement he taught part-time for several years at the University’s Centre for Contemporary China.
Personal homepage (as of 2021)