Professor Phillip Joseph

Professor Phillip Joseph

Professor of Engineering Acoustics

Research interests

  • Broadband fan noise
  • Shallow water acoustics
  • Active noise control

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Professor Phillip Joseph is Professor of Engineering Acoustics within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.


Phillip Joseph graduated in Physics from the University of York in 1984. Following this completed a Masters degree in Sound and Vibration at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) at the University of Southampton. From 1985 he worked for one year in industry on the condition health monitoring of helicopter rotor blades before returning to the ISVR to begin a PhD. This was awarded in 1990 for work on the active control of sound fields in enclosed spaces. He then moved to Australia to work on low frequency active sonar. In 1994 he returned to the ISVR as a research fellow studying the active control of fan tones from aircraft turbofan engines. In 1996 he was appointed research lecturer in shallow water acoustics, and is currently Professor of Engineering Acoustics funded by the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Noise undertaking research into broadband fan noise, advanced measurement techniques and active noise control.