Doctor Igor Golosnoy

Dr Igor Golosnoy

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • plasma science and technology: gaseous discharges, e.g. coronas, streamers, and thermal arcs 
  • electric breakdown in gases and liquids, circuit breakers - design and analysis
  • electric propulsion systems for spacecraft, e.g. Pulsed Plasma Thrusters, Gridded Ion Engines, Hollow Cathodes

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Igor


  • Associate Professor in Modelling and Simulations in Electrical Power Engineering group at the University of Southampton.
  • Senior member of IEEE and IoP.
  • Over 25 years’ experience in plasma physics, emission spectroscopy and plasma diagnostics, plasma material treatment, heat transfer and gas flow modelling.
  • Research focus on numerical modelling of physical processes in plasmas with emphasis on breakdown and ionization phenomena (including verification experiments, e.g. spectroscopic diagnosis of plasma and Langmuir probes).
  • Published over 50 peer reviewed journal papers and book chapters, awards in plasma technology research & innovation include projects on atmospheric and space plasmas,  as well as other applied projects sponsored by UKRI, European Space Agency, Network Rail, EADS UK.