Professor Laura Costanzo

Professor Laura Costanzo

Head of School

Research interests

  • Entrepreneurship and strategic behaviour of family businesses and SMEs
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Social entrepreneurship

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Laura


Professor Laura Costanzo is the Head of Southampton Business School and Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Professor Costanzo has held a number of key administrative roles that were instrumental to the successful development of the Southampton Business School. As Director of the Southampton Business School (SBS) PhD Programmes, she successfully contributed to the redevelopment of the PhD programme and established its worldwide reputation by attracting 150+ high quality candidates from all continents. In the last five years, prior to her appointment as Head of School, as Head of Department she enormously contributed to the development of Department of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (DSIE), which has become one of the very few distinctive UK academic departments in the subject area of strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship. In leveraging the interdisciplinary research underpinning the DSIE, she has been a founder member of the Centre of Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI) and, recently, she has become the research lead and founder of the Family Business Lab. She is one of founder members of the SBS ‘Strategic Group’ playing a key role in setting out the refreshed SBS vision, mission, goals and values.

She is an active reviewer for a number of leading academic journals (Human Relations, British Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management, and European Management Review to cite a few). She is on the editorial board of the British Journal of Management and European Management Review, and she served as an Associate Editor of the European Management Review (2015-2018). She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Sinergie (Italian Journal of Management).