Dr. Salah Elias is Associate Professor in Epithelial Cell Biology. His laboratory aims to discover the mechanisms of oriented cell divisions in the normal mammary epithelium to understand cell division defects that are unique to breast cancer cells.
Research groups
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External roles and responsibilities
Salah Elias did his PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Rouen, France, where he investigated the mechanisms of secretory vesicle biogenesis and trafficking, with Prof Maite Montero-Hadjadje and Prof Youssef Anouar. During his first postdoctoral work in with Dr. Sandrine Humbert at the Curie Institute, France, he showed that huntingtin and kinesin-1 regulate spindle orientation and apical polarity in mammary epithelial cells during development and homeostasis. He then moved to Prof Elizabeth Robertson lab at the Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, where he identified a new subset of mammary stem cells, expressing Blimp1, that drive gland morphogenesis and homeostasis. In 2017, Salah was appointed Lecturer at the School of Biollogical Sciences at University of Southampton. In 2018, he was awarded an MRC New Investigator Research Grant and Wellcome Trust Seed Award in Science, to establish his lab aiming to discover the mechanisms of oriented cell division (OCD) in the normal mammary epithelium to understand cell division defects that are unique to breast cancer cells.