22 publications
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Andrew Brown, Jonny Beaumont, David Barrie Thomas, Julian Shillcock, Matthew Naylor, Graeme McLachlan Bragg, Mark Vousden, Simon W. Moore & Shane Flemming,
2022, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing
Type: article
Mark Vousden, Graeme M. Bragg & Andrew D. Brown,
2022, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 169, 242-251
Type: article
Andrew Brown, David Thomas, Wayne Luk, Simon W. Moore, Alex Yakovlev, Mark Vousden, Graeme McLachlan Bragg, Jordan Morris, Ashur Rafiev, Coral Westoby & Tim Todman,
Type: report
Andrew Brown, Tim Todman, Wayne Luk, David Thomas, Mark Vousden, Graeme Bragg, Jonny Beaumont, Simon Moore, Alex Yakovlev & Ashur Rafiev,
Type: conference
Ashur Rafiev, Alex Yakovlev, Ghaith Tarawneh, Matthew F. Naylor, Simon W. Moore, David B. Thomas, Graeme M. Bragg, Mark L. Vousden & Andrew D. Brown,
2022, IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 16(2-3), 71-88
DOI: 10.1049/cdt2.12041
Type: article
Ashur Rafiev, Jordan Morris, Fei Xia, Alex Yakovlev, Matthew Naylor, Simon Moore, David Thomas, Graeme Bragg, Mark Vousden & Andrew Brown,
Type: conference
Andrew Brown, Mark Vousden, Graeme McLachlan Bragg, Julian Shillcock, Jonathan Beaumont & David Barrie Thomas,
2021, Membranes, 12(1)
Type: article
Alexander Rast, Mahyar Shahsavari, Graeme M Bragg, Mark L Vousden, David Thomas & Andrew Brown,
Type: conference
Mark Vousden, Graeme McLachlan Bragg, Alexander D Rast, Jonny Beaumont, Matthew Naylor, David Thomas, andrey Mokhov & Andrew Brown,
Type: conference
Jane K. Hart, Kirk Martinez, Philip J. Basford, Alexander Clayton, Graeme McLachlan Bragg, Tyler Ward & David Young,
2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(9), 1769-1782
DOI: 10.1002/esp.4611
Type: article