Miss Chloe Eddy

Miss Chloe Eddy

Research interests

  • Autism
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

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Chloe Eddy is a Postgraduate Researcher based in Southampton Education School at the University of Southampton.

Chloe's research aims to improve access to autism diagnoses for children aged 3-13 via the development of a new cost-effective and accurate behavioural screening tool. Chloe’s ambition is to establish a means for screening that is more equitable, fair and accessible. Current methods of screening for Autism are both time-intensive and expensive, and therefore facilitative of income-based inequalities across education, development and health.

One potential avenue in improving access to diagnoses is through adapting an existing behavioural screening tool, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Chloe’s research considers how the SDQ can be utilised for the accurate detection of autism in children and young people. The SDQ has been translated into over 80 languages and is entirely free to use, maximising the projects reach and impact. Chloe’s research also considers how the behavioural screening tool may address the diagnosis gap of groups currently underrepresented within Autism diagnoses, including women and people from ethnic minority groups.