Research Research projects Active projects Flow and noise control using non-equilibrium turbulent Researchers: Doctor Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya Sponsor: Leverhulme Trust Publications 10 publications Page 1 of 1 Data-driven method for flow and scalar dispersion past realistic canopies Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Razieh Jalalabadi, Oleksandr Zhdanov & Bin Zang, 2024 Type: conference Towards decoupling the effects of permeability and roughness on turbulent boundary layers D.D. Wangsawijaya, P. Jaiswal & B. Ganapathisubramani, 2023, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 967 DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.497 Type: article Scalar transport in flow past finite circular patches of tall roughness Dea D. Wangsawijaya, Claudia Nicolai & Bharathram Ganapathisubramani, 2023, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 102(8) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2023.109167 Type: article Scalar Transport in flow past finite circular patches of tall roughness Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Claudia Nicolai & Bharathram Ganapathisubramani, 2022 Type: conference Time-averaged velocity and scalar fields of the flow over and around a group of cylinders: a model experiment for canopy flows Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Claudia Nicolai & Bharathram Ganapathisubramani, 2022, Flow, 2 DOI: 10.1017/flo.2022.2 Type: article Investigation of unsteady secondary flows and large-scale turbulence in heterogeneous turbulent boundary layers Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya & Nicholas Hutchins, 2022, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934(A40) DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2021.1152 Type: article Time-varying secondary flows in turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, 2021 Type: thesis The effect of spanwise wavelength of surface heterogeneity on turbulent secondary flows Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Rio Baidya, Daniel Chung, Ivan Marusic & Nicholas Hutchins, 2020, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 894(A7) DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.262 Type: article The instantaneous structure of turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Charitha de Silva, Rio Baidya, Daniel Chung, Ivan Marusic & Nicholas Hutchins, 2019 Type: conference Secondary flow over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Charitha de Silva, Rio Baidya, Daniel Chung, Ivan Marusic & Nicholas Hutchins, 2018 Type: conference Biography Prizes Philip Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (2023) Amelia Earhart Fellowship (2019) Philip Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (2023) Amelia Earhart Fellowship (2019)