Hugo Putuhena is a research fellow in offshore renewable energy (ORE), specialising in spatial mapping. He is part of the Royal Academy Engineering (RAEng) Chair Centre of Excellence for Intelligent & Resilient Ocean Engineering (IROE). His current research focuses on finding suitable space for offshore renewable energy by considering multiple aspects from anthropogenic, ecology, geoscience, and met-ocean.
Through his academic journey, he has built up a multidisciplinary research background. He completed his first degree in Oceanography (Physical Oceanography) from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 2013 and master's degree in Oceanography (Marine Geophysics) from University of Southampton, UK in 2015. He was awarded a PhD in Marine Geoscience from the University of Manchester, UK in March 2020. After having a paternity break, he joined the University of Southampton as a research fellow in ORE, spatial mapping in September 2021, to support the work programme of the ORE Supergen Hub, working on finding space for future offshore wind in the UK waters. Subsequently, he has been appointed as research fellow to support the activities of the RAEng Centre of Excellence for IROE, contributing to various multidiscplinary projects, including: NERC-Crown Estate Ecological Consequences for Offshore Wind (EcoWind), Benthic-Offshore Wind Interactions (BOWIE) project, Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) cables project, and Geospatial HEIF.
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