Deep-ultraviolet projection lithography facility

About the Deep-ultraviolet projection lithography facility

Part of the Zepler Cleanrooms

Our deep-ultraviolet (Deep-UV, or DUV) scanner is a unique capability within UK academic research. It gives a 248 nanometre (nm) laser source, which gives a critical dimension of 180nm over a 200 millimetre (mm) wafer. It has a throughput of 120 wafers per hour.  

Wafer pre-processing is via an industry-standard coater and developer. This provides rapid and highly-repeatable batch resist coating of <0.7% absolute resist thickness, over a 200mm wafer.

We use positive tone KrF-M91Y resists in three thicknesses:

  • 680nm
  • 1000nm 
  • 1300nm 

A critical dimension scanning electron microscope (CD-SEM) provides post-development validation of pattern exposure. Measurements are automated using a cassette-to-cassette loader.

We also provide hybrid “mix-and-match” lithography. Here, we carry out part of the process using the DUV scanner and part using our electron beam lithography (EBL) facility. The scanner handles requirements down to 180nm while the EBL handles those below 180nm.

Technical specification

Nikon NSR-S204B KrF Scan and Step System 

  • configured for 200mm wafers 
  • exposure field: 25x33mm
  • minimum feature size: 180nm
  • high throughput: 120 wafers/hour
  • overlay accuracy: 25nm
  • stepping accuracy: 20nm


TEL CleanTrack ACT-8 Wafer Processing Station 

  • configured for 200mm wafers 
  • fully automated wafer processing: i.e. spinning, baking and developing 
  • cassette-to-cassette: loading bay holds up to 4 cassettes 
  • high throughput: 150 wafers/hour


Hitachi S8840 CD-SEM

  • configured for 200mm wafers 
  • rapid wafer exchange with cassette-to-cassette operation  
  • automated measurement using predefined recipes 
  • acceleration voltage 0.5 to 1.3 kilovolts  


Contact us

For more information or to book the facilities, email us: