Research Group

Public Opinion Research Southampton (PORS)


Public Opinion Research Southampton (PORS) researches and teaches substantive and methodological problems in public opinion. We develop high-quality modules for our degrees, organise internal workshops, host external speakers, publish in academic journals, develop grant applications, and work extensively with the media and other organisations.


It is a critical time for high-quality, trustworthy analysis of what the public thinks, why it thinks it, and its consequences.


Public Opinion Research Southampton (PORS) members are leaders in the field. Current and former members have published in leading journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, European Journal of Political Research, and many others. They are or have been Editors of several journals such as the British Journal of Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Electoral Studies, Migration Studies, and Journal of European Public Policy. Their research has attracted large-scale funding from major sources including the European Research Council, the UK's Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, and others.

Faculty also have an extensive media and impact experience. Alongside founding the Scottish Election Study, developing a new electoral system for Welsh local elections, and working with policy groups, PORS members regularly appear on Sky News and have appeared on international and local media including France 24, El Pais, and BBC Solent.


Research themes

Our members have a broad research scope. From Britain, Europe, the United States, to Australia and Latin America, we cover topics such as political trust, political participation and deliberative democracy, representation, and how identities (such as gender, LGBTQ+, and social class) impact representation and behaviour.
We are methodologically inclusive, with members who specialise in large-scale surveys, field, lab, and survey experiments, ethnography, and qualitative interviews. We are united by understanding and communicating issues in public opinion.

For more information on our active themes, see the Publications and Research projects tabs.


People, projects, publications and PhDs


Related research institutes, centres and groups

Related research institutes, centres and groups

Get in touch


- We hold a twice-semesterly workshop of papers, book projects, and grant bids. All participants will have read the documents ahead and provide detailed feedback for up to an hour for each document. Early career researchers, such as PhD students, are prioritised. External presenters are welcome: if you are interested, please get in touch!

- We regularly host people for the Politics and International Relations Department’s weekly seminar. If you are interested in presenting, feel free to email.

- We hold more ad hoc events and meetings, such as on publishing, methods training, paper feedback, and much more.