Autism Community Research Network @ Southampton (ACoRNS)


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Harriet Hummerstone & Sarah Parsons, 2022, International Journal of Research and Method in Education
Type: article
Jennifer Pickles, Sarah Parsons & Hanna Kovshoff, 2022, Oxford Review of Education, 49(2), 190-208
Type: article
Sarah Parsons, 2021, British Educational Research Journal, 47(6), 1490-1499
Type: article
Amber Warren, Kate Buckingham & Sarah Parsons, 2021, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(5), 803-818
Type: article
Henry Wood-Downie, Verity Charlie Stone Ward, Kathryn Ivil, Hanna Kovshoff & Sarah Parsons, 2021, Educational and Child Psychology, 38(3), 62-74
Type: article