Centre for Resilient Socio-Technical Systems

Vision and mission statements

Find out more about our vision and mission

Vision statement

Our vision is “Empowering Tomorrow's Resilience: Pioneering Systems Thinking and Modeling for Critical Infrastructure”. 

Through our research centre, we envision a future where cutting-edge advancements in complex systems modeling strengthen the resilience of infrastructure. By unraveling the intricacies of interconnected systems, we aim to cultivate innovative solutions that safeguard and enhance the robustness of vital networks, ensuring they withstand evolving challenges and contribute to the sustained well-being of our communities. Technology is the glue that establishes a new ground for interdependencies in the context of the new era. This inherently brings in the lens of systems thinking into the picture which transforms thinking to be holistic in orientation, as opposed to siloed which has been the modus operandi so far. 

Thanks to this shift in mindset, we can better address grand challenges affecting our society at large and explore critical interdependencies to start thinking in terms of outcome rather than outputs. For instance, reliable AI can be mapped to a sustainable digital twin in the construction sector to go beyond the siloed asset view and give instead a multidimensional view, from design to decommissioning; or it can help develop more resilient power supply systems in rural UK. Moreover, the promise of connected digital twins is that they can help us better understand our interconnected systems so that our interventions are more effective. 

These are just a few of the challenges we can solve for the greater good. We focus on human-AI interaction and solidify and scaling this in order to ensure success. We will develop cross-sectoral programmes that will aid systems thinking from a design thinking perspective for practical application.  

Through interdisciplinary collaboration and forward-thinking research, our Centre strives to be at the forefront of transforming theoretical insights into practical actionable insights to help build a more resilient, secure and adaptive world for generations to come. 

Mission statement

Our mission is to advance the understanding and application of complex systems modeling for the resilience of critical infrastructure and so foster resilience through innovative research and systems approaches. Grounded in the principles of systems thinking, we are committed to conducting groundbreaking interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research that not only identifies vulnerabilities within interconnected systems but also pioneers novel strategies and technologies to fortify these networks against diverse threats. 

Through collaboration, co-creation, education, and the dissemination of knowledge, our Centre aims to be a global leader in shaping resilient, adaptive, and sustainable solutions, ensuring the continued functionality and security of critical infrastructure in an ever-changing world.