Research centre

CESAR| Centre of Excellence in Sustainability Accounting and Reporting

People sitting around a table and talking

We connect experts in sustainability accounting and reporting to support the integration of sustainability into our research, education, and enterprise initiatives.

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CESAR is an inclusive network of professionals dedicated to advancing accounting scholarship in support of sustainable development. We foster high-quality research, teaching, and enterprise collaboration with practice and policy, embodying the principles of the Triple Helix Model. The centre offers a community of expertise and a supportive environment for mentoring and career development.

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We are at the forefront of promoting corporate sustainability reporting, focusing on the integration of social impact accountability and net zero accounting for a sustainable society.
Director of CESAR

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Our central aim is to bring world leading scholars in Accounting together to exchange knowledge and expertise to address persistent challenges affecting our national and international societies and environment.

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Our central aim is to bring world leading scholars in Accounting together to exchange knowledge and expertise to address persistent challenges affecting our national and international societies and environment.