Clinical Cardiology Research


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Paul A. Scott, John M. Morgan, Nicola Carroll, David C. Murday, Paul R. Roberts, Charles R. Peebles, Stephen P. Harden & Nick P. Curzen, 2011, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 4(3), 324-330
Type: article
Gregg W. Stone, Paul S. Teirstein, I.T. Meredith, B. Farah, C.L. Dubois, R.L. Feldman, Joseph Dens, Nobuhisa Hagiwara, Dominic J. Allocco, Keith D. Dawkins & Nicholas Curzen, 2011, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 57(16), 1700-1708
Type: article
Sarah L. Westlake, Alexandra N. Colebatch, Janis Baird, Nick Curzen, Patrick Kiely, Mark Quinn, Ernest Choy, Andrew J.K. Ostor & Christopher J. Edwards, 2011, Rheumatology, 50(3), 518-531
Type: article