Research group

Cyber Physical Systems

Computer screens with coding

We explore and develop mechanisms controlled or monitored by computer-based processes.

Our research involves the exploration and development of theoretical foundations, modelling and programming languages, engineering methods, design tools and system engineering applications.

Child page cards

As an academic spanning computer engineering and condensed matter physics, the Cyber Physical Systems research group supports my research interests through seminars and reading groups hosted throughout the year. The group also provides an active and engaging environment for my research students, essential for their research needs.

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Connect with us

Get in touch

If you have ideas, questions, or just want to find out more, then please do get in touch with:
Josephine Axtell, Administrator, Electronics & Computer Science.

Cyber Physical Systems Research Group​
Electronics and Computer Science​
Building 53, Room 4036​
University of Southampton​
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK​

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We’re open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm UK time