National Infrastructure Laboratory

Our partners

Learn more about our strategic partners and how we work together to make a difference.

The NIL is home to more than 100 academics and researchers, and our projects span all engineering disciplines with hundreds of users across the university and beyond. In our facilities, we foster new research collaborations, we educate the next generation of engineers, and we generate knowledge for industry and business by solving their problems. 

UKCRIC – UK Collaboratorium for research on Infrastructure and Cities

UKCRIC engages stakeholders to better understand and address complex infrastructure challenges through collaborative research. UKCRIC’s integrated research capability underpins the renewal, sustainment and improvement of infrastructure and cities in the UK and elsewhere. By engaging government, industry, academia and end users, UKCRIC is de-risking, helping to prioritise, and providing evidence, analysis and innovation for future national infrastructure and urban investments to deliver a safer, more resilient and more sustainable future. 

UKRRIN - UK Rail Research and Innovation Network

UKRRIN is designed to create powerful collaboration between academia and industry, aiming to provide a step-change in innovation in the sector and accelerate new technologies and products from research into market applications globally. The initiative was built on the development of three Centres of Excellence formed by a consortium of universities, in collaboration with existing industry testing and trialling facilities and Network Rail. 

UKRRIN offers industry access to purpose built world-leading facilities and skills in a range of areas to support research, development and innovation for new technologies and products. The centres are supported by industrial partners to deliver world-leading research from inception to market application for both the UK and global markets.