Optical Engineering and Quantum Photonics Group

Industry and public engagement

Find out how we work with people outside the University.

Industry engagement

Do you know there are 4 dedicated hubs to Quantum in the UK? 

To maintain the UK’s technological research lead in quantum technologies, through the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, EPSRC has invested £94m over 5 years, in the second phase of the national programme. 

To find out how we contribute to this programme, email Professor Peter Smith ([email protected]) to discuss.

Public engagement

Our group is heavily involved in Outreach and Engagement, with nearly 20 years of experience. Group members are key members of the Lightwave and Light Express roadshows. 

We have several STEM ambassadors in the group who are all willing to give talks and demonstrations in schools and public venues. These can be targeted at various levels of understanding from secondary school level to professional bodies. 

On Science and Engineering day  you can visit our state-of-the-art facilities at the University. 

Alternatively, if you are a group interested in our research, on request we can arrange a visit to our laboratories and facilities.