Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Huanqing Ye, Jelena Gorbaciova, Chen Lyu, Claire Burgess, Alex S. Walton, Khadisha M. Zahra, Richard J. Curry, Rex H.S. Bannerman, James C. Gates, Peter B. Wyatt & William P. Gillin, 2021, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(39), 9620-9625
Type: article
Yu Feng, Shumeng Wang, Goran Mashanovich & Jize Yan, 2021, Optics Express, 29(20), 32505-32522
Type: article
Han Du, Weiwei Zhang, Wei Cao, David Thomson, Callum Littlejohns, Xingzhao Yan, Denh Tran, Mehdi Banakar & Graham Reed, 2021, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Type: article