Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


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Marek Vlk, Anurup Datta, Sebastián Alberti, Henock Yallew, Astrid Aksnes, Ganapathy Senthil Murugan & Jana Jagerska, 2021
Type: conference
Thomas, Edward Maybour, Devin H Smith & Peter Horak, 2021, Physical Review A, 104(1)
Type: article
Senta Lisa Jantzen, Devin H Smith, Rex Bannerman, Lewis J. Boyd, James Gates, Peter G R Smith & Christopher Holmes, 2021, Electronics Letters, 57(14), 556 – 558
Type: article
Yasir Noori, Nema Abdelazim, Shibin Thomas, Victoria Greenacre, Yisong Han, Danielle E. Smith, Giacomo M Piana, Nikolay Zhelev, Andrew L. Hector, Richard Beanland, Gillian Reid, Philip N. Bartlett & Kees De Groot, 2021, Advanced Electronic Materials, 7(9), 1-8
Type: article