Two scientists sitting down looking at a large screen of graphs.
Precision Biosciences Innovation Hub

About us

Learn more about how our insights can lead to improved societal wellbeing and economic resilience.

As an innovation hub, we’re strategically positioned to steer proof of concept ideas from diverse industries and research areas towards a higher technology readiness level.

Healthy ageing

For healthy ageing, we can determine the physiological states of cells within different tissues and predict how they change during the ageing process. This knowledge can then be used to engineer new therapeutic strategies and disease prevention. 

Microbiome health

We’re also working to better define microbiome health, not only in humans, but in agricultural and animal systems. 

Through the integration of host metabolomic, proteomic, genomic and microbiome data, we’re able to precisely model and examine resistance profiles in wound microbial communities, predicting their evolution and response to antimicrobial interventions such as antibiotics.

Agriculture and food security

In agriculture and food security, our expertise is being used to understand and manipulate plants and rhizospheres, giving farmers precise data to improve crop security and sustainability.

Contact us

Get in touch with the institute. Our research lead Professor Paul Skipp is happy to answer your questions.

Email: [email protected]