Smart Electronic Materials and Systems


Learn more about our links with industry.

We work with industry on a range of consultancy projects. We've also set up a number of small businesses as a result of our research. 


  • Perpetuum is now the world leader in vibration harvester powered wireless sensor systems.
  • 8power has novel technology for sensing and measurement in industrial applications, using energy harvesting.
  • Wisen Innovation develops and supplies wireless infrastructure monitoring equipment for civil engineering.
  • Smart Fabric Inks supplies screen printable pastes, and offers consultancy services relating to smart fabrics.

Smart Fabric Inks

Professor Steve Beeby describes how Smart Fabrik Inks was set up and the technology behind it.


The School of Electronics and Computer Science has its own professional consultancy company, ECS Partners Ltd. The consultancy engages in short-term projects which range from a single day to research projects involving a team of research staff.