Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre

About us

Discover what we do and how we carry out our research.

Introduction to STAG Research Centre

The STAG Research Centre draws in expertise from the following research groups:

The quantum quest

Quantum gravity remains the outstanding problem in modern theoretical physics with implications for black hole singularities, the Big Bang and ultra high-energy particle collisions. STAG is actively involved in bridging the gap between quantum theory and gravity with expertise in string theory, holography and UV asymptotically safe gravity.

Physics at the extremes

The extreme environment generated by black holes and neutron stars powers some of the most spectacular phenomena in the Universe. Precision observations of these phenomena increasingly require a general relativistic description. STAG astronomers and theorists work together to improve our understanding of: relativistic outflows and jets; accretion flows; the formation and dynamics of black holes; and pulsar phenomenology.

The dark side

Mysterious dark elements of the Universe appear to determine its evolution. Astronomical observation, cosmological studies and particle physics experiments all concentrate on the search to explain the identity of dark matter and dark energy, which make up 95% of the Universe. STAG focuses on key elements of this search: exploring cosmological implications of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics; using different astrophysical techniques to measure the acceleration of the Universe; observing cosmological large-scale structure; and studying the origin and propagation of gravitational waves.



Dr Felix Haehl


Professor James Drummond

STAG Committee

Professor Nils Andersson 
Professor Nick Evans 
Professor Poshak Gandhi
Dr Sandra De Jesus Raimundo
Professor Kostas Skenderis