Web Science Institute

Advisory board

We benefit from the strategic advice of leading web and data science authorities from business, academia and government.


Tom Barnett, Founder and CEO, Chronotis

Liz Brandt, CEO, Ctrl-Shift 

Professor Leslie Carr, Web Science Institute (WSI) Deputy Director

Dean Drew, Partner, Lester Aldridge

Professor Dame Wendy Hall, WSI Director

Professor Keith Jeffery, Chair, Keith G Jeffery Consultants

Professor Pauline Leonard, WSI Deputy Director

Liam Maxwell, Director, Government Transformation at Amazon Web Services

Matt McNeill, Head of Google Cloud Platform, UK and Ireland

Professor Steven Meers, Head of AI Lab, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)

Lohan Presencer, Chairman, Ministry of Sound Group

Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Principal of Jesus College, University of Oxford

Dr Jeni Tennison, Executive Director, Connected by data

Bill Thompson, Principal Research Engineer at the BBC