Lattice sculpture with fractal patterns
Web Science Institute

Social and embodied AI

We investigate challenges and opportunities to society and human creativity represented by AI and machine learning.

We look at these issues through an interdisciplinary lens by promoting scholarship that involves science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the arts, humanities and social sciences. In our research environment, computer scientists work with political scientists, electrical engineers with designers, and music scholars with mathematicians. 

Areas of research focus include: 

  • AI and immersive media 
  • the cultural and intellectual history of the web and AI 
  • AI art and musical improvisation agents as social machines 
  • exploring and critiquing the “archive” of large language models 

Research projects

Contact us

If you’re a researcher, policymaker or industry representative and you have a project proposal or need related to this theme, please contact theme lead Thomas Irvine. 

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