Research project

Building Large Quantum States Out of Light


Lead researchers

Professor Peter G.R. Smith

Professor in Electronics & Comp Science
Connect with Peter G.R.

Other researchers

Professor James Gates MPhys, PhD

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with James

Professor Corin Gawith

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise
Connect with Corin

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Matthew T. Posner, Thomas Hiemstra, Paolo Mennea, Rex Bannerman, Ulrich B. Hoff, Andreas Eckstein, W.S. Kolthammer, Ian Walmsley, Devin H. Smith, James C. Gates & Peter G.R. Smith, 2018, Optica, 26(19), 24678-24686
Type: article
Alexander Jantzen, Paul C. Gow, Alan Gray, Senta Scholl, James Gates, Peter Smith, Lewis Boyd & Christopher Holmes, 2018
Type: conference
Justin B. Spring, Paolo L. Mennea, Benjamin J. Metcalf, Peter C. Humphreys, James C. Gates, Helen L. Rogers, Christoph Soller, Brian J. Smith, W. Steven Kolthammer, Peter G.R. Smith & Ian A. Walmsley, 2017, Optica, 4(1), 90-96
Type: article